Product Description
Isopods - Dwarf White
Trichorhina tomentosa
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We ship you 10 Dwarf White isopods (2 to 3 mm) in a container with moist media on the journey to you.
These are tiny isopods that are parthenogenetic - there are only females of the species. They make a great addition to your bio-active vivarium for their great ability to clean up waste. They work marvelously alongside springtails.
We grow them on Repashy Morning Wood as an all-in-one food and water source for them. Consider adding a cuttlebone and starchy vegetables for them.
Isopod Care
Isopods should be kept in a dark area at room temperature.
Lightly mist them at each feeding to keep their enclosure humid.
Leaf litter can be used not only as their bedding, but they will also enjoy eating it. Cork bark can be placed on top as a hiding place and for easy removal of the isopods.